
Nova Investe and Investe Brasil

Nova Investe is a corporate consulting company established by professionals from former Rede Brasileira de Promoção de Investimentos – Investe Brasil, the first Brazilian agency for attraction of foreign direct investment, which has been established in 2001 under a partnership between the federal government and the private sector.


The main target of Investe Brasil was to provide the best information, promoting Brazil, its economy and business opportunities to any potential foreign investors, working independently but in line with both public and private entities.


Investe Brasil work was supported by a network with the ministries, governmental and private entities, all of them ready to cooperate by supplying updated information to investors.


Despite of its importance in the economic and social scenario, Brazilian government has decided to end Investe Brasil´s activities in September 2004 due to the finalization of the partnership among the institution, the government and the private sector.


Nova Investe has been created to fill the space left by the end of Investe Brasil and to fulfill the foreign investor expectation and their demand of various information about the local investment environment, like legal issues, regional and sector incentives, market and competitive analysis and credit lines available, as well.